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快收藏 英语口语100句短语/俚语/常用语(下)

句子大全 2022-11-16 02:12:01

67. Not in my book.

Not according to my views.

68. Now you"re cooking!

Now you"re doing what you should be doing!

69. Now you"re talking!

Now you"re saying the right things!

70. Okay by me.

That"s fine with me.

71.…or words to that effect.

…or similar words meaning about the same thing.

72. Over my dead body!

A defiant phrase indicating the strength of one"s opposition to something.

73. Pardon me for living!

A very indignant response to a criticism or rebuke.

74. (Right) off the top of my head?

Do you want me to answer your question without having time to give it some thought?

75. See if I care!

I don"t care if you do it!

76. (So) what else is new?

This isn"t new.

77. Speak of the devil.

A phrase said when someone whose name has just been mentioned suddenly appears on the scene.

78. Take my word for it.

Believe me! Trust me, I am telling you the truth.

79. Take it from me.

I know what I"m talking about.

80. That does it!

The same as 81 below.

81. That"s more like it.

That is better.

82. That"s the last straw!

That"s going too far! Something will have to be done.

83. That"s the ticket!

That is what is required!

84. (That"s the) way to go!

A phrase encouraging someone to continue the good work.

85. That"s what I call _______!

Used when you want to emphasize that something is very good e.g. That"s what I call a holiday!

86. Mum"s the word.

A pledge not to reveal a secret or to tell something or someone.

87. Watch your tongue! / Watch your mouth!

Do not talk like that!

88. What (a) nerve! / Of all the nerve!

How rude!

89. Whatever turns you on.

Whatever pleases or excites you is okay.

90. What"s cooking?

What is happening?

91. What"s eating you?

What"s bothering you?

92. What"s the catch?

What are the negative factors?

93. What"s the damage?

What are the charges? How much is the bill?

94. Who would / could have thought?

A question phrase indicating surprise or amazement.

95. With my blessing.

A phrase expressing consent or agreement.

96. Yesterday wouldn"t be too soon.

An answer to the question “When do you want this?”

97. You ain"t seen nothing yet.

The best, most exciting, or cleverest part is yet to come.

98. You could have knocked me over with a feather.

I was extremely surprised.

99. You"re dern tootin"!

You are absolutely right!

100. You"re the doctor.

You are in a position to tell me what to do.
