
日记大全 > 句子大全

初中英语语法24讲 第15讲(动词的完成时)

句子大全 2022-11-16 05:27:01

第15章 动词的完成时


典型例句:1.He has lived in Beijing for ten years.(他住在北京10年了。)

典型例句:2.He said he had lived in Beijing ten years before.(他说他10年前在北京住。)








I have bought lots of books about Western customs.(我买了许多有关西方风俗的书。)

He has been to the Great Wall.(他去过长城。)

They have already seen the film.(他们已经看过这部电影了。)

重要:过去分词的三种用法(过去分词的构成参见(第9章 动词概说))


I have already written the letter.(我已经写完这封信了。)

I had reached the British Museum by nine o’clock.(9点钟的时候我已经到达大英博物馆了。)

过去分词构成被动语态:be+过去分词(参见(第16章 被动语态))

My dog was taken care of Alice while I was away.(我不在时,我的狗是由艾丽斯照看的。)


This is a broken chair.(这是一张被损坏的椅子。)



The Simpsons haven’t been to Canada since the day they left.


Eric hasn’t got his plane tickets yet.(埃里克还没有买到飞机票。)

补充:haven’t(读作[hvnt])=have not;hasn’t(读作[hznt])=has not



A:Have you read Shelock Holmes?(你看《福尔摩斯》这本书了吗?)

B:Yes,I have.(是的,我已经看了。)/No,I haven’t.(不,我还没看过。)

A:Has the huntsman killed Snow White?(猎人杀死白雪公主了吗?)

B:Yes,he has.(是的,他把她杀了。)/No,he hasn’t.(不,他没有杀死她。)


He was busy then. He is still busy.

→He has been busy since then.(他从那时起一直很忙。)



How long have you been here?(你到这儿多久了?)

How many times have you been to the Great Wall?(你去过长城几次?)

A:Which book have you read?(你读过哪本书?)

B:Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.(《白雪公主和七个小矮人》。)










The tickets have sold out.(票已售空。)

I have tried Italian food.It’s delicious!(我已经尝过意大利美食了。美味啊!)

Simon has seen the concert.He doesn’t want to see it again.


I have never visited San Francisco in the U.S.A.(我从没去过美国的旧金山。)




I have just heard the news that our school will set up a press club.


They have just started to explore other planets.(他们才刚刚开始探索其他星球。)

The scientists haven’t discovered any intelligent life on other planet yet.




I’ve known Grace since my childhood.(我从小就认识格雷斯。)(表示现在还继续往来)

Catherine has learned drawing since 2008.(凯瑟琳从2008年起学的画画。)


He has lived in Beijing for thirty years.(他住在北京30年了。)(表示现在还住在北京)

I have known him for ten years.(我认识他10年了。)

I have stayed in the hotel for two weeks so far.(迄今为止,我已经在这个旅馆住了两周了。)


How long have you studied English?(你学英语多久了?)(表示现在仍在学)

说明:询问做某事“多久了”时,通常用How long...?



He has never been ill in his life.(他一生中从未生过病。)

I have been to the Summer Palace twice.(我曾经去过颐和园两次。)

We have visited Louvre Museum before.(我们以前曾参观过卢浮宫。)


现在完成时强调的是在时间上与现在的联系,因此它不能和表示确定的过去时间状语连用,如ago(以前),yesterday(昨日),last week(上周),three years ago(三年前),in 2001(2001年)以及以when为首的疑问句等。在现在完成时的句子中,终止性动词(也叫点动词)一般不能与表示延续的时间状语连用。



I have just cleaned my room.(我刚打扫过房间。)(现在完成时)

I cleaned my room yesterday.(我昨天打扫了房间。)(一般过去时)


()I visited your school three weeks ago.(三周前我参观了你们学校。)


()I have already visited your school.(我已经参观过你们学校了。)

()I have visited your school before.(以前(谈话之前)我参观过你们学校。)

(×)I have visited your school three weeks ago.

()I bought a teddy bear last Sunday.(上周日我买了一个泰迪熊。)

(一般过去时能跟表示过去的时间状语last Sunday)

()I have just bought a teddy bear.(我刚买了一个泰迪熊。)

(×)I have bought a teddy bear last Sunday.(要用现在完成时,就要去掉last Sunday)


a week ago一周前;the other day几天前;last week上周;just now刚刚;

in 2009在2009年;during the night在夜里;earlier this month本月初



一般过去时:He closed the window.(他关了这扇窗户。)

现在完成时:He has closed the window.(他关上了窗户。)

以上两句都是叙述了他过去把窗户关了这个动作。第一句用的是过去时,只叙述他过去做过的这个动作,这扇窗户现在也许是关的,也许是开的。而第二句用现在完成时,就包含了两个意思:一是他曾经关了这扇窗户(He once closed the window.);二是强调动作与现在的关系,即现在这扇窗户是关着的(Now the window is closed.)。

I bought a red car.(我过去买过一辆红色小汽车。)


I have bought a red car.(我买了一辆红色小汽车。)

(如果用现在完成时,既叙述了过去发生的动作:bought a car,又强调了与现在的关系,即我现在正在使用着:now I drive the car)

()I went shopping yesterday morning.(我昨天早上去逛街了。)

(×)I have gone shopping yesterday morning.

I saw her yesterday (morning/evening).(我昨天(早上/晚上)看见过她。)

I haven’t seen her so far.(我至今没见过她。)


up to now直到现在;till/until now直到现在;since last week从上周;recently最近;

for a long time很长一段时间;these days近日;in the past few days过去的几天

A:Have you ever been to the Forbidden City before?(你以前去过紫禁城吗?)

B:Yes,I have.(是的,我去过。)


()When did you buy the red car?(你什么时候买的这辆红色小汽车?)

(×)When have you bought the red car?

A:Have you ever met Alice?(你遇见艾丽斯了吗?) B:Yes,I have.(是的。)

A:When did you met her?(你什么时候遇见她的?)

B:Last week.(上周。) A:Oh.She has already been here.(哦,她已经来了啊。)


句中有ever,already,for,three days,just,never,yet等词时要用完成时。

A:I think the book is worth reading.(我认为这本书值得一读。)

B:Have you borrowed it from our library?(你是从我们的图书馆借的吗?)

A:Yes,I have.(是的。) B:When did you borrow it?(你什么时候借的?)

A:Two days ago.(两天前。)

B:So you have kept if for three days.(也就是说你已经借了三天了。)

说明:此句中的have kept不能用have borrowed替代,因为borrow是短暂性动词,不能与表示一段时间的时间状语连用。

B:When will you return it?(你什么时候还啊?)

A:I’ll return it as soon as I have read it.

=I’ll return it as soon as I have finished reading it.

=I’ll return it as soon as I finish it.(我一看完就还。)


A:When did you go there?(你什么时候去那儿的?) B:Last week.(上星期。)

A:I’ve just seen a horrible accident.(我刚刚目睹了一场可怕的事故。)

B:Oh.What happened?(噢,怎么啦?) A:A truck ran into a car.(一辆卡车撞了一辆小汽车。)




()I’ve been away from Shanghai for 3 days.

()I left Shanghai 3 days ago.

()It is/has been 3 days since I left Shanghai.(我离开上海已经三天了。)


(×)I’ve left Shanghai for 3 days.(此时要把终止性动词变为延续性动词)



Tom hasn’t left home for a month.(托尼已经有一个月没有出门了。)


I haven’t seen you for a long time.(我已经好久没有看到你了。)


(3)have/has got

A.have/has got形式上是现在完成时,实际上和一般现在时的have/has的意思相同。

Have you got a light?=Do you have a light?(你有打火机吗?)

He has got a slight headache.=He has a slight headache.(他有点头痛。)

B.“have/has got+不定式”表示“必须”。

I’ve got to go.(我得走了。)

You have got to use your imagination.(你得运用自己的想像力。)

3.have/has been to与have/has gone to

()Ronald has been to Hong Kong Disney theme park twice.



()Ronald has gone to Hong Kong Disney theme park.



(×)Ronald has gone to Hong Kong Disney theme park twice.





By 2006 Kevin had already graduated from the junior high school.



In 2006 Kevin graduated from the junior high school.(凯文2006年从中学毕业。)


When I got there,he had left.(当我到那儿时,他已经走了。)



She told me she hadn’t had supper.(她告诉我她还没吃晚饭呢。)

By nine o’clock yesterday evening Justin hadn’t got home.





A:Had you known anything about our school before you came here?



B:Yes,I had.(是的,我了解。)/No,I hadn’t.(不,我不了解。)

A:Had he stopped talking when he heard the ring?

=Did he stop talking when he heard the ring?(他听见铃声时就不谈话了吗?)

B:Yes,he had.(是的,他停止谈话了。)/No,he hadn’t.(不,他还在谈话。)




What had you completed before I called you?(我给你打电话之前,你都完成什么了?)

How long had Lynn studied French by the time she was 16?





Robert told me his team had already won.(罗伯特告诉我他们队已经赢了。)

I heard that the president had just arrived here.(我听说院长刚刚到达。)


B.过去完成时与by then(截止到那时),by 9 o’clock(直到9点之前),by the end of...(到……时候为止),by the time...(到……时候),up till then(直到那时)等连用,表示过去的过去。

By the end of 2007 many buildings had been built in the city.


By the time Henry came here he had been a famous doctor.


比较:by 2007截止到2007年;by the end of 2007截止到2007年年底

C.过去完成时与when,before,after,as soon as,till/until等引导的时间状语从句连用,强调动作发生的时间先后。

When she got home,her children had slept.(她到家时孩子们已经入睡了。)


When she had finished her job,she went to sleep.



I stood there until the plane had disappeared in the sky.(我站在那儿直到飞机在天空中消失。)

注意:与状语从句连用时,如果不强调动作的先后则有时可用一般过去时来表示,尤其是由as soon as,until引导从句时;但若要表示强调,则用过去完成时。

As soon as I received the letter,I wrote to you.(我(那时)一收到信,马上就给你回信了。)


He didn’t leave here until Mary arrived.(直到玛丽到了他才离开。)


I didn’t know what he had done it for.(我以前不知道他究竟为什么这么做。)

I asked him how many students had attended the meeting.(我问他有多少学生去开会了。)




I have known Neil for three years.(我认识尼尔三年了。)

I had known Neil when I was a student.(当我还是个学生时,就已经认识尼尔了。)

I have finished my experiment.(我已经做完实验了。)


By six o’clock,I had finished my experiment.(在6点之前,我就已经做完实验了。)

(表示在过去的某一时间(six o’clock)以前已经做完实验,与现在无关)


Dora has just finished the work.(多拉刚做完这项工作。)

Dora said that she had just finished the work.(多拉说她刚刚做完这项工作。)



We had hoped that you would come,but you didn’t.(我们原本以为你会来,但是你却没有来。)

They had been supposed to be able to arrive by ten.(他们本来应该能在10点之前到达。)

Common Mistakes(注意!失分陷阱!)


A:Are you going to help John with his Chinese this evening?

B:No.He __________ to England.He will be back next month.【威海中考】






A:Good evening.I __________ to see Miss Mary.

B:Oh,good evening.I’m sorry,but she is not in.【兰州中考】






I __________ English in that school since I came to the city.【荆州中考】





A:What are you doing here? B:Jane __________.I’m waiting for her.




Final Check(实力测验)


1.He __________ (wait) for an hour.

2.I __________ (not finish) the work yet.

3.__________ you __________ (know) him since then?

4.I __________ (hear) from my father recently.

5.We __________ (be) there many times in the past three years.

6.The sun __________ (rise) when we got there.

7.They __________ (finish) the work by the end of last month.

8.How long __________ you __________ (stay) at home already?

9.I __________ (not read) the book before.

10.We __________ (have) an exam again sometime next week.

11.The writer __________ (finish) several story books since 2000.

12.I asked my mother __________ she __________ (come) back soon.

13.What __________ you __________ (do) when I called you?

14.He __________ just __________ (have) his breakfast.

15.I believe that our volleyball team __________ (be) back in a week.

16.The famous scientist __________ (reach) Beijing two days ago.

17.We’ll go to visit the museum if it __________ (not rain) tomorrow.

18.I saw my friend when I __________ (walk) in the street.

19.He __________ (go) to see his grandfather last Sunday.

20.When we got to the classroom,the class __________ (begin).

















1.Is Tom’s bike now?(肯定回答)


2.There are some English books on the desk.(一般疑问句)


3.He has tea at half past two in the afternoon.(否定句)


4.It will take the workers more than a month to repair the bridge.(对划线部分提问)


5.I did my homework by myself yesterday.(一般疑问句)


6.He had done with the goods before he went away.(否定句)


7.The teacher was talking with Tom’s mother.(对划线部分提问)


8.I’m allowed to watch TV at home only once a week.(对划线部分提问)


9.By the end of last term the students had been to the Science Museum four times.(对划线部分提问)__________________________________________________________________________

10.I have done some skiing.(一般疑问句)



1.What have you done yesterday?


2.Where have you bought that coat?


3.I have been to the island two years ago.


4.I have studied English since six years.


5.He has lived in the city ten years ago.


6.When have you been to your hometown?


7.The manager has arrived here for two days.


8.Have you listened to the news at six this morning?


9.By 2000 the book has been translated into about twelve languages.


10.The students told me that they read the famous novel two years before.





1.A:I hear you sister has married.Is it true?

B:Yes,she has been married for five years.

2.A:Has your brother joined the army? B:Yes,he has.

A:When did he join the army?

B:He joined the army in 2000.He has been in the army for ten years.

3.A:Where is your father?Is he in?/Is he at home?

B:No,he isn’t (in).He has gone to America.He went there three years ago.He has been there for three years.



1.Yes,it is.

2.Are there any English books in the desk?

3.He doesn’t have tea at half past two in the afternoon.

4.How long will it take the workers to repair the bridge?

5.Did you do your homework by yourself yesterday?

6.He hadn’t done with the goods before he went away.

7.Whose mother was the teacher talking with?

8.How often are you allowed to watch TV at home?

9.How many times had the students been to the Science Museum by the end of last term?

10.Have you done any skiing?


1.have you done→did you do(解说:注意现在完成时和过去时的区别。句子中有表示过去的时间词yesterday,因此动词必须用过去时。)

2.have you bought→did you buy(解说:句中的where一词已经暗示出语境,问动作是在什么地方发生的,应该用过去时。)

3.have been→went(解说:时间词two years ago决定了动词应用过去时。)


5.has lived→lived(解说:注意句中有时间词ten years ago,应用过去时。)

6.have you been→did you go(解说:句中的when一词已经暗示出语境,问动作是何时发生的。)

7.has arrived→has been(解说:英语中的动词有延续性和非延续性之分,这是由动词的含义决定的。这道题中的时间词for two days表示动作或状态延续了两天,而arrive是一个瞬间完成的非延续性动词,与for two days不匹配。be则可以表示状态延续了一段时间。)

8.Have you listened→Were you listening(解说:句中的时间词at six this morning表示过去的某一时刻,所以动词要用过去进行时。)

9.has been translated→had been translated(解说:句子的时间词是By 2000(到2000年时),显然要用过去完成时。)

10.read→had read(解说:这是带宾语从句的复合句。宾语从句的时间词是two years before,所以要用过去完成时,表示“过去的过去”。)


I. Fill in the blanks with the proper form.

1. I____ already ____ (see) the film. I ________ (see) it last week.

2. _____ he ____ (finish) his work today? Not yet.

3. My father ____ just ____ (come) back from work. He is tired now.

4. Where’s Li Ming ? He __________ (go) to the teacher’s office.

5. I __________ (work) here since I ______ (move) here in 1999.

6. So far I _______________(make) quite a few friends here.

7. How long ________ the Wangs ______________(stay) here ? For two weeks.

8. I ________ just ___________ (finish) my homework.

9. He ________ (go) to school on foot every day.

10.____ you ______ (find) your science book yet?

11. If it ____ (be) fine tomorrow, I"ll go with you.

12. The students ____________ (read) English when the teacher came in.

13. Look! The monkey __________ (climb) the tree.

14. My mother __________ (come) to see me next Sunday.

15. I"ve lost my pen. _________ you ________ (see) it anywhere?

1. have, seen, saw 2. Has, finished 3. has, come 4. has gone 5. have worked, moved 6. have made 7. have, stayed 8. have, finished 9. goes 10. have, found 11. is 12. were reading 13. is climbing 14. is coming 15. Have, seen

II. Choose the best answer.

1. How long have you _______ here?

A. come B. got C. arrived D. been

2. My grandpa died _________.

A. at the age of my 2 B. for 2 years

C. when I was 2. D. my age was 6.

3. Jane has _____ to BeiJing. She will come back tomorrow.

A. been B. gone C. went D. never been

4. It is ten years _____ I last saw her.

A. after B. since C. for D. that

5.--Who will go to the station to meet Lorry?

--I will. I _____ her several times.

A. met B. have met C. had met D. will meet

6. --What a nice dress! How long _____ you _____ it?

--Just 2 weeks.

A. will, buy B. did, buy C. are, having D. have, had

7.--Do you know Lydia very well?

--Yes, She and I _____ friends since we were very young.

A. have made B. have become C. have been D. have turned

8. The Smiths _______ in China for 8 years.

A. has lived B. lived C. have been D. live

9. --Hello, this is Mr. Green speaking. Can I speak to Mr. Black?

-- Sorry. He ______ the Bainiao Park.

A. has been to B. has gone to C. went to D. will go to

10. --____ you ever ____ to the US?

-- Yes, twice.

A. Have, gone B. Have, been C, Do, go D. were, going

III. Rewrite the sentences.

1. I have been to Macau before. (改为否定句)

I _________ _________ been to Macau before.

2. He hasn’t come to school because he was ill. (就划线部分提问)

______ _______ he come to school?

3. I bough a new bike just now. (用just改写)

I ____ just ____ a new bike.

4. We began to learn English three years ago.(改为同义句)

We ____ ____English ____three years

5. He has never surfed, _______ _______? (改成反意疑问句)

6. They have been here since 2000. (对划线部分提问)

_______ _______have they been here?

7. The old man _________ last year. He has _______ _______for a year. (die) (动词填空)

8. Miss Gao left an hour ago. (同义句转换)

Miss Gao has _______ ________ ________ an hour ago.

Ask the questions

1) I have been there for two days.

__________ _________ __________ you __________ __________?

2) My father has lived here since 2000.

_________ _________ __________ your father _________ __________?

3) He left here yesterday.

_________ ________ he _________ __________?

4) They bought a book two hours ago.

__________ ___________ they __________ a book?

Keys: 1. How long have, been there 2. How long has, lived here 3. When did, leave here 4. When did, buy

Use never, ever, already, just, yet, for, since to fill in the blanks.

1. I have _______ seen him before, so I have no idea about him.

2. Jack has _________ finished his homework.

3. Mr. Wang has taught in this school ________ ten years.

4. “Have you ________ seen the film?” “No, I have ________ seen it.”

5. “Has the bus left _______?” “Yes, it has _________ left.”

Keys: 1. never 2. just , already 3. for 4. ever, never 5. yet , just / already
