
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2022-11-16 07:12:01

一、Other people look down on you, unfortunately, they look down on their own, more unfortunate.别人看不起您,很不幸;自己看不起自己,更不幸。

二、A man"s dream may not be worth much, but a man"s effort is very valuable.一个人的梦想也许不值钱,但一个人的努力很值钱。

三、The world is done, does not seek its absolute perfection, a lack of, can be infinitely better.世间成事,不求其绝对圆满,留一份不足,可得无限美好。

四、Rather than to wait someone to love you, is to learn to love yourself more.与其等着别人来爱你,不如自己学着努力多爱自己一点。

五、Life is short, but if despicable to this life, would be too long.人的一生是短的,但如果卑劣地过这一生,就太长了。

六、The name is not important, what we call a rose, change a name would smell as sweet.名字并不重要,我们所称的玫瑰,换一个名字也同样芬芳。

七、Any one thing, as long as willingly, always can become simple.任何一件事情,只要心甘情愿,总是能够变得简单。

八、The brow of sweat and tears under the eyebrows, you have to choose the same!眉毛上的汗水和眉毛下的泪水,你必须选择一样!

九、Work hard, only to stand at the height of enough qualified to be look up to.努力吧,只有站在足够的高度才有资格被仰望。

十、Other people"s words can only be used as a reference, it is not about their own.别人的话只能作为一种参考,是不能左右自己的。

十一、One day, I can put you down, and one day, I can smile at you again.终有一天,我也可以放下你;终有一天,我也可以再对你微笑。

十二、Life is like the ocean, only the strong willed person can reach the other shore.生活就像海洋,只有意志坚强的人,才能到达彼岸。

十三、Don"t want to be able to jump a thousand miles, only hope that every day can go one step further.不渴望能够一跃千里,只希望每天能够前进一步。

十四、If you want to catch a big fish, not afraid of water depth. If you want to pick a rose, you have to be afraid of it.要想捉大鱼,不能怕水深。要想摘玫瑰,就得不怕刺。
