
日记大全 > 句子大全

学语法不求人 一看就懂(一般将来时)

句子大全 2022-11-17 05:01:01

一般将来时的句型结构和另一个时态现在进行时比较相似,一般将来时会学到 be going to 这个句型,同样是 be doing,但是 be going to do 就表示将要去做什么。我们选择现在进行时来对比着学习是因为既可以巩固已学过的现在进行时,又可以把现在进行时作为参照物,学生易于理解新知识,更会把注意力集中在学习一般将来时上,同时对两种时态的区别认识会更加的深刻。通过对比学习有利于学习者参与学习过程,通过观察去发现两者的区别和新时态的结构特点,只有亲身去实践,理解才会更深刻深刻。



1. What isMary doing now? Mary 正在做什么?

She is stuying English now. 她正在学习英语。

2. What isMary going to do tommorow?

She is going to have an exam tommorow.


3. What isTom doing now?

He iscleaning his car now.

4. What is he going todo tommorow?

He is going to drive his car to work tomorrow.


5. What areyour friends doing now?

They are playing the guitar now.

6. What arethey going to do tomorrow?

They are going to hold a concert tomorrow.



总结:一般将来时的结构和特点 “be going to+动词原形”表示即将发生的或打算进行的事,后面常跟的时间有 tomorrow 等表示将来的时间词。



一般将来时常常和表示将来的时间状语连用。如:tomorrow(明天), next week(下周 ); in a year(一年以后)等。 一般将来用主语+be动词 + going to 动词(be going to)


练习一:找出句子中的 be going to和时间

We"re going tohave a picnic on Saturday. 我们周六要去野餐。

I"m going to Shanghai next week. 我下周要去上海。

Heis going to swim tomorrow. 他明天去游泳。

She isn"t going toChengdu tomorrow. 她明天将不会去成都。

Arethey going to play football next Sunday? 他们下周日去踢足球吗?


1. She is going to learn English tomorrow. (变成否定句)

She isn"t going tolearn English tomorrow.

2. The boys are going to help him tomorrow. (变成否定句)

The boys aren"t goingto help him tomorrow.

3. The students are going to have a music class. (变成一般疑问句)

Arethe students going to have a music class?

4. My uncle is going to clean his car this afternoon. (变成一般疑问句)

Isyour uncle going to clean his car this afternoon?


1. My brother _____ to Shanghai next week.

A. is going

B. are going

C. goes

2. Mary _____ her grandfather tomorrow.

A. visits

B. will visit

C. is visiting

3. David _____ kites in the park this weekend.

A. flies

B. is flying

C. is going to fly

4. _____ you going to Beijing tomorrow?

A. Do

B. Are

C. Does

5. Mary _____ English next year.

A. will learn

B. will to learn

C. are going to learn

通过练习,当学生对第二和第五题有疑问时,再引出一般将来时的另一种表达式:will do

will / shall + 动词原形

这种方法一般单纯地表示将来某个时间将要发生的动作或存在的状态。will用于各种人称; shall只用于第一人称。 例如 :

I will / shall go to visit him next week. 下周我将去拜访他。

What time shall we go there tomorrow? 明天我们几点去那儿?


I will playthe piano tomorrow. 我明天弹钢琴。

Willyou go fishing? 你要去钓鱼吗?

It will besunny in Beijing. 北京将会很晴朗。

We won"t goswimming next Sunday. 我们下周日不去游泳。

I will playthe piano tomorrow. 我明天弹钢琴。

Willhe wash his shoes this evening? 他今晚洗鞋子吗?


1. They willhave a party tomorrow night. (变成否定句)

They won"t have a party tomorrow night.

2. Peter will ride a bike with Tom tomorrow. (变成一般疑问句)

WillPeter ride a bike with Tom tomorrow?

3. Tony willsee a film next Tuesday. (变成否定句)

Tony won"tsee a film next Tuesday.

4. My father willgo to Shanghai tomorrow. (变成一把疑问句)

Willyour father go to Shanghai tomorrow?

