
日记大全 > 句子大全

最后一讲 复合句中容易犯错的句子(及学习感言)

句子大全 2022-11-17 05:06:01

1 容易犯错的句子

1-1 我知道她住在哪里。

I know where does she live. ×

I know where she lives. √


1-2 他说他那时正在踢足球。

He said that he is playing soccer at that time. ×

He said that he was playing soccer at that time. √


I know /she is a teacher./she will come back in two days./she has just finished it./she went to Taiwan two days ago.


He asked me /what I wanted./where I was going./when I would leave./why I had come here.

1-3 老师说地球是圆的。

The teacher said that the earth was round. ×

The teacher said that the earth is round. √


The teacher said the sunrises in the east and sets in the west.


The teacher told usthe earth is one of the sun’s planets.


1-4 我认为你的答案不对。

I think your answer isn"t right. ×

I don"t think your answer is right. √

当宾语从句表示否定之意,且主句中主语是I,动词为think , believe等时,习惯上是将否定移转,使主句成为否定式,而从句使用肯定式。

1-5 我认为你不是老师,是吗?

I don"t think you are a teacher, do I? ×

I don"t think you are a teacher, aren"t you? ×

I don"t think you are a teacher, are you?√

若附加疑问句中含有宾语从句,且主句是I think ,I believe等表示看法的用语,附加疑问部分的主、动词一般要与从句的主、动词一致。

1-6 他们正在谈论格林先生是否会讲中文 。

They are talking about if Mr. Green can speak Chinese. ×

They are talking about whether Mr. Green can speak Chinese.√


1-7 他一回来,我就会告诉他这个好消息。

I will tell him the good news as soon as he will come back. ×

I will tell him the good news as soon as he comes back.√

在由when, before,after,as soon as等引导的时间状语从句中,如果主句的动词是一般将来时,从句中的动词用一般现在时代替将来时。

1-8 - 他为什么没来上学? - 因为他病了。

-Why didn"t he come to school? -For he was ill. ×

-Why didn"t he come to school? -Because he was ill.√


1-9 如果你不赶快的话,你上课要迟到了。

You’ll be late for class if you won’t hurry up. ×

You’ll be late for class if you don’t hurry up. √


1-10 昨天当我的朋友来的时候,我正忙于做作业。

While my friend came yesterday, I was busy doing my homework. ×

When my friend came yesterday, I was busy doing my homework.√


1-11 他把功课写完,才去睡觉。

He went to bed until he finished his homework. ×

He didn"t go to bed until he finished his homework. √


1-12 他太生气了,以至于说不出话来。

He was too angry that he couldn’t speak. ×

He was so angry that he couldn’t speak. √

He was too angry to speak.√


1-13 我不知道他是否会来。

I don’t know if he comes. ×

I don"t know if he will come. √


1-14 这个房间比那个房间大得多。

This room is more bigger than that one. ×

This room is very bigger than that one. ×

This room is much bigger than that one. √

形容词或副词比较级前不能用very,更不能用more来修饰,可用much,even,a little等来修饰。


【最后,一本书的学习结束,是学习另外一本书的开始,只有不断一点一点的积累学习,阅读,才能让我们自己变得更优秀;送给各位我最喜欢的2句: 第一句:种一棵树最好的时间是十年前,其次是现在。第二句:大鹏一日同风起,扶摇直上九万里。】

