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唯美感人的中英文句子 各个充满哲理(发人深思)

句子大全 2022-11-18 02:40:01


People live, in fact, there are many things can not be said, sometimes go too far, often forget the way home; sometimes see too clear, often fascinated by the mind; sometimes think too much, often lose self. Life is like a mirror. If you have something in your heart, you will have it. If you have nothing in your heart, you will be quiet. If you have nothing in your heart, you will be aware. Learn to face, learn to let go, let everything follow your heart, at will, with fate, smile to face everything.


Your life may not be what you want, but it"s absolutely what you want. This is the answer to 100% of the world"s complaints.


I have never been known by anyone, so I have never been forgotten by anyone. Living in the memories of others is not my purpose. Meeting is two people"s business, leaving is one person"s decision. Meeting is just the beginning, leaving is to meet the next leaving; this is a popular world to leave, but we are not good at saying goodbye.


There is no shortcut to life. It tests your perseverance and endurance. As long as you hold on a little longer, endure a little longer, don"t lament the past, don"t waste the present, don"t fear the future, everything will be under your control.

五、大多数朋友都认为我经常夜不归宿 暧昧不断生活放荡不羁可你知道吗我认真的时候输的有多惨…

Most of my friends think that I often don"t end up at night. I"m always living in an ambiguous and uninhibited life. But do you know how miserable I lost when I was serious


Life can"t wait for others to arrange. You only know what kind of life you want. Plan and design by yourself, strive and struggle by yourself, adjust and change by yourself, and you can get closer and closer to your ideal life at one point one.


Laughter is the most powerful thing against anger or depression. Studies have shown that a simple raised mouth can also increase your happiness. Don"t take life too seriously. Learn to look for humor and laughter in your daily struggle.


Every day, many people tell me their troubles in life, some lose their favorite people, some can"t break through in work, some live with heavy pressure, some feel lonely for too long.


Life tells us that there are never perfect people and things in this world, too perfect feelings, only happen in fairy tales and imagination, the normal reality, except for the plain, is full of holes and rebirth after the disaster.


Life is never fair. How much you get depends on how much you do best and try your best to live.


Reality will tell you that if you don"t work hard, you will be trampled to death by life. There"s no excuse, there"s nothing, there"s no excuse.


You give yourself a height, the world will always give you a yardstick. No matter what life is like, don"t forget to smile. May you be your own sun without relying on whose light.


Thinking too much will ruin you. If nothing happens, it"s the best revenge. Why to prove something to the unworthy, to live a better life, is for oneself.


Sometimes we walk too tired, not necessarily because we walk too far, may be carrying too much, sometimes we live too tired, not necessarily because we lack too much, but we want too much, in fact, happiness is not a proof, but a sense of satisfaction, so we can not use your quality of life to prove your happiness index, but it happens that your satisfaction can reveal your happiness Happiness, so the Buddha said: contentment is happiness, less desire is happiness.


Eat well, go to bed on time, don"t complain, have good thoughts, insist on doing what you like to do, feel every detail of life, precipitate and precipitate again, because you want to be a gentle and powerful person.


Hard work has nothing to do with your gender, whether you are single or not. Hard work is to make yourself more independent. You can only be independent in economy, personality, life and thought.
