
日记大全 > 句子大全

很现实的心情句子 经典优雅(句句耐人寻味)

句子大全 2022-11-18 03:42:01


What you really want is not only as simple as tiptoeing, but you also need to go all out and make defiant efforts to move forward.


Everyone is an adult. If you like it, you can show it openly. If you don"t like it, you can put it on the bright surface. There is no need to bend and turn, and if you want to reject it, you can be more comfortable with each other.

指甲做多了还是原色好看,头发染多了还是黑色耐看,我的意思是说「你见过越多的人 就越清楚想回到谁身边。」

The original color looks good when the nails are done too much, and the hair is still black when it is dyed too much. I mean, "The more people you meet, the more clear who you want to return to."


Actually, I like staying with my friends very much. When I meet each other, I am not afraid of being impolite when I play on my mobile phone. If I don’t talk to each other, I don’t feel embarrassed. If I’m hungry, I can eat and drink at will. You don’t need to cry, so you feel more comfortable.



Watching drama at double speed, getting into the pit at double speed, falling in love at double speed, breaking up at double speed, this is our era.

The average life expectancy of modern people has increased, and the density of experiences has increased. The quality of experience and emotion has been squeezed thinner and thinner, and the apparent degree and expression of emotions are also experiencing unprecedented inflation.


The days after graduation are really fast and fast. When you feel that you are still a newcomer in the workplace, you will have been working for five or six years in the blink of an eye, and you are far away from campus.


I am willing to wait for you to accompany you, as long as you want, and the time distance is no problem, as long as you don"t like others in the end.




"Human averaging shows that your heart must be broken." When it happens, you can be sad. You need to do this, and you can even express it very hard. But be sure not to indulge yourself for too long. "Going back to the outside world is part of your healing process."

Hard days will not last long unless you allow it to do so.

Please believe in the faintness and brilliance of human nature

