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关于爱情的感悟句子 睿智通透(现实入心 值得细品)

句子大全 2022-11-18 04:18:01

1.相信爱情爱情才会靠近 ,相信幸福,幸福才会来临 !

Believe in love, love will be close, believe in happiness, happiness will come!

2.虽然每天奔波劳累 ,失意,痛苦 ,请你不要太过悲伤 ,生活是你想过成什么样子就是什么样子的 。

Although you are tired, frustrated and miserable, please don"t be too sad. Life is what you want to be.

3.要把事情往好的方面想, 每天告诉自己要开心快乐,结果就是好的 ,这样你的生活才会出现阳光 。

Think of things in a good way. Tell yourself to be happy every day. The result is good. Only in this way can you have sunshine in your life.

4.有时,我们不敢触碰爱情,因为我们看惯了太多的分分合合 ,让我们对爱情望而却步 ,不敢爱 ,不敢接受 。

Sometimes, we do not dare to touch love, because we are used to seeing too much on and off, which makes us shy away from love, dare not love, dare not accept.

5.有些人嘴上说着不再相信爱情了 ,可是一转身,他又开始恋爱了 。分手时坚定而悲伤的眼神仿佛从未发生过!

Some people say that they no longer believe in love, but when they turn around, they start to love again. Break up firm and sad eyes as if never happened!

6.人是敏感的, 受了伤之后总是喜欢躲藏,人也是天性爱猜疑的 ,在经历和看过了背叛, 感受不安之后 ,不愿意再去相信 。

People are sensitive. After being hurt, they always like to hide. People are also suspicious by nature. After experiencing and seeing betrayal, and feeling uneasy, they are unwilling to believe it again.

7.有多少人因为胆怯 ,跟自己喜欢的人擦肩而过 ;有多少人因为害怕 ,拒绝了幸福的机会 ,又因为不敢表白 ,我们连个喜欢“喜欢”两个字都未曾说出来。

How many people, because of timidity, pass by the people they like; how many people, because of fear, refuse the chance of happiness, and because they dare not express themselves, we have not even said the word "like".

8.我们宁愿忍受失去和错过的痛苦 ,宁愿忍受想念和孤独的煎熬 ,都不愿意迈出最后一步 ,去相信对方,相信爱情 。

We would rather bear the pain of losing and missing, rather bear the suffering of missing and loneliness, than take the last step to believe in each other and love.

9.关于爱情 ,有太多的说法, 有的说要等,真正的缘或早或晚都会到来 ,而有的人说喜欢就要主动去争取 ,要不你喜欢的人可能会和别人在一起 。

There are too many opinions about love. Some people say that they have to wait, and the real fate will come sooner or later. Some people say that if they like it, they should take the initiative to fight for it, or the person you like may be with others.

10.不管怎么说,要相信自己, 我觉得爱情就是喜欢就去追求 ,把握现在 ,主宰自己的爱情 。

Anyway, to believe in yourself, I think love is to pursue what you like, grasp the present and dominate your own love.

11.我们往往要做的是原谅他人, 放过自己, 要相信真爱永远不晚, 真爱一定会来 。

We often have to do is to forgive others, let go of ourselves, to believe that true love is never too late, true love will come.

12.我们心中要有爱 ,不要让我们遇到的爱情成为别人的故事 ,而是你自己 。

We should have love in our hearts. Don"t let the love we meet become the story of others, but yourself.

13.亲爱的姑娘,你要善良而且要相信美好,眼里有光 ,心中有爱 ,定会春暖花开。

Dear girl, you have to be kind and believe in beauty. With light in your eyes and love in your heart, you will be in spring.

