
日记大全 > 句子大全

有关爱情记忆的甜蜜句子 温柔入心(值得分享)

句子大全 2022-11-21 05:09:01

1.不管曾经多么刻苦铭心的感情,摆在时间面前都一样 ,虽然会怀念, 但终将过去 。

No matter how hard I used to be, the feelings I remember are the same in front of time. Although I will miss them, they will pass.

2.也许当时只是因为喜欢和好奇 , 悄悄关注他 ,观注他所有的一切 。Maybe at that time just because of love and curiosity, quietly pay attention to him, watch all his attention.

3.你想让他注意到你 ,假装和他擦身而过。 然后偷偷的看着他的背影 。

You want him to notice you and pretend to pass him by. Then secretly looking at his back.

4.也许因为他无意中的一个小举动 ,你会在心底铭记很久 。只要有人提到他 ,你都会凑过去聆听 。

Maybe because of a small move he made by accident, you will remember it in your heart for a long time. If you listen, he"ll come up to you.

5.在某个早晨 他路过你的身旁,喂了一声,你心里都会悸动很久。

One morning he passed by you and gave you a feed. Your heart would throb for a long time.

6.有些记忆,看似无足轻重 ,有时候却可以温暖一生 。

Some memories seem insignificant, but sometimes they can warm the whole life.

7.不管时光如何流逝 ,那些美好,可能还会想起,那个曾让你心动的人 。

No matter how time goes by, those beautiful, may also think of, that let you heart.

8.我们需要继续生活 ,继续寻找 ,寻找自己的另一半,时光打散了那些淡忘的记忆!

We need to continue to live, to continue to look for, to find their other half, time scattered those forgotten memories!

9.不管过了多久, 然后想到曾经的珍惜, 那份悸动依然清晰 ,会揪心 ,会难过 ,会不舍 ,不管是因为喜欢还是爱 ,毕竟真心诚意过 。

No matter how long, and then think of the treasure, the palpitation is still clear, will worry, will be sad, will not give up, whether it is because of love or love, after all, sincere.

10.慢慢的人生路, 感动会很多 ,也许曾经你们一起走过 一程,却有人陪你度过一生 ,陪伴才是最长远。

Slowly the road of life, moved will be a lot, perhaps once you go through a journey together, but someone accompany you through life, accompany is the most long-term.

11.现在不管是谁陪在我们的身边 ,或许都不是我们主动的选择 ,我们只需活在当下, 因为我们只爱现在的时光 。

Now no matter who is with us, maybe it"s not our active choice. We just need to live in the present, because we only love the present time.we only love the present time.

12.凡事都是因人而异, 不要以为别人的东西总是最好的 ,别人的爱情是甜蜜的 ,你要相信自己就是他人眼中的那个别人 。

Everything is different from person to person, don"t think that other people"s things are always the best, other people"s love is sweet, you should believe that you are the other people in other people"s eyes.

13.某一天我还会想起你, 你也还会偶尔想到我,那份感动依然在,那份思念却阻挡不了我们前去远方重新遇见的决心 。

One day I will think of you, and you will occasionally think of me. The feeling is still there, but the missing can"t stop our determination to meet again in the distance.

