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那些关于成长的温暖治愈文案 温柔优美的句子(你喜欢哪一句)

句子大全 2022-11-21 07:14:01


There are those who are destined to leave, those who are destined to stay, and those who are destined not to be themselves

如果我们习惯了这一切的悲欢离合,也许就不会再悲伤了。 不习惯的时候可以蹲下来自己抱着自己

If we get used to all these joys and sorrows, maybe we won"t be sad any more. Not used to when you can squat down and hold yourself


Why can"t we always cherish the people in front of us?


In the future of the reunion, we always think of the reunion, always destined to meet again, always say sorry


Each wave may be the last, each sigh the last.


Everyone has had such special friends and contradictory behaviors in their lives.


At first I regretted making friends with you, but after a while, I suddenly realized that it was for the best.


You care about him (her) better than you together one day break up.

你喜欢和他(她)交朋友,不要互相吃醋。 真的什么也说不出来。

You like to make friends with him (her), don"t be jealous of each other. I can"t really say anything.


Friendship is higher than love, this relationship is commonly known as zhihu!

男人对女人说。 “我是最棒的。 我保证会让你幸福。 请和我在一起。 ——这是销售。

The man said to the woman. "I"m the best. I promise I"ll make you happy. Please stay with me. B: That"s sales.

男人对女人说。 “我父亲有房子。 请和我好好相处。 今后是你的了。 ——这是促销。

The man said to the woman. "My father has a house. Please get along with me. The future is yours. B: It"s a sale.

男性不会向女性表白,但是女性会被男性的气质和风格所吸引。 ——这是市场营销。

Men don"t tell women, but women are attracted to a man"s temperament and style. -- It"s marketing.

虽然女人不认识男人,但是朋友们都在向那个男人炫耀。 ——这是品牌

Even though the woman doesn"t know the man, her friends are showing him off. -- This is the brand


No matter how ridiculous this life is, the next generation is bound to be what you want it to be.


Allow me to fulfill the vows this life has made me.

我站在寒冷的街道上等你来拿我的手。 我不会再放开你了。

I"m standing on the cold street waiting for you to take my hand. I"m not letting go of you anymore.


Please remember, life gives you freedom, the next life gives me happiness.

单纯的人有两种表现。 容易相信人。 容易怀疑人。

There are two kinds of simple people. Easy to trust people. It"s easy to doubt people.


If you know, it"s enough to hold my hand and smile at me when I smile
