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精巧而高级的深情短句 煽情贴心(唯美高级)

句子大全 2022-11-22 03:38:01

People are simple when they are poor and complex when they are rich; When it is simple, it is complicated; Look at your own simplicity and others" complexity. The world is actually very simple, but people"s hearts are very complicated. People"s hearts are actually very simple, but the distribution of interests is very complicated. In fact, the distribution of interests is also very simple, but the social relations are very complicated. People are happy when they are simple, but few people are happy. People suffer when they are complicated, but people who suffer are everywhere.


My original dream is firmly in my hand. How can I return home halfway where I want to go most?


I want to forget those memories, but they just reappear in my mind.


A loving life is incomplete, and a painful life is not profound. Love makes life rich, and pain makes love rise.


Happiness is not about how much you have, but about what you have and what you can"t have. If you chase what you can"t have, you will ignore what you already have, including those who love you and those footprints left behind you. Happiness is very simple, because we are too serious, too eager to get things that do not belong to us, only to make our lives worry everywhere. When you look up from your troubles, happiness has been trampled on by you.


If we miss one step, we are destined to miss a lifetime.


See you secretly, miss you secretly, love you secretly, and finally, cry secretly!


Love is like a mirror, which once had cracks, so the scenery in the mirror was distorted.


Time will drift away, years will run away, memories will freeze, and beauty will last forever. We are just a tiny speck of dust, looking for traces of happiness in wandering and proving the meaning of existence in dreams. Rest in a quiet place, do not contend with the wind, do not compete with the sun for glory, and freely interpret the fullness of life; Don"t envy the majestic appearance of the mountains, don"t admire the vast mystery of the sky, pick up a simple heart and be a kind person.


When he died of happiness, he married loneliness as his companion, and then he had a child called Memory.

