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励志系句子‖时间不说话 静静回答;努力不言弃(梦在发芽)

句子大全 2022-11-23 02:49:01

世间最可贵的自由,从不是毫无约束,而是一路跌跌撞撞犯错受伤,经历“无名之辈”时的疲惫与挣扎,最终冲破禁锢恣意飞翔。 The most precious freedom in the world is never unrestrained. It is always a blunder, a mistake, an injury, the fatigue and struggle of the unknown, and finally break through the shackles and fly freely.


Time does not speak, quietly answers; efforts not to abandon, dreams sprout.


Later, I found out that if the thorns were regarded as fields covered with flowers, nothing in the world could torture me.


"People still want to go to university in their whole life, not for the diploma, but for the atmosphere of University. It"s always good to read more books."

5.那些年少的时光里 我们曾像一株野草 疯狂地生长 肆意的叛逆。

In those young times, we used to grow like a wild grass, wanton rebellious.


"Most of the time, even though we have predicted what the result will be, we still bravely express and try to fight for it, because our life is our own choice. We ordinary little people, also want to open a brilliant flower of life.

7.昨天不重要 未来还很远 。

Yesterday doesn"t matter. The future is far away.

8.温柔需要底气 能够从容应对任何人 不会怯懦到气场薄弱 坚定自有万钧之力 所以温柔的人啊 一定能够抵抗世间所有坚硬。

Gentleness needs confidence to be able to deal with it calmly. No one will be cowardly. Firmness has its own strength. Therefore, a gentle person must be able to resist all hardness in the world.

9.陌生人我也为你祝福 愿你有一个灿烂前程 给每一条河每一座山取个温暖的名字 愿你有情人终成眷属 愿你在尘世获得幸福 我只愿面朝大海春暖花开。

Strangers, I also wish you a bright future, give each river and every mountain a warm name, may you have a lover and get married, may you get happiness in the world, I only wish to face the sea, spring flowers.

