
日记大全 > 句子大全

重新燃起对生活希望的8句话 生活原本沉闷(但跑起来一定会有风)

句子大全 2022-11-25 02:45:01

1、毋庸置疑 好的事情总会到来 而当它来晚时 也不失为一种惊喜

There is no doubt that good things always come, and it"s a surprise when it comes late

2、我们之所以来到这个世界上 是因为上天想让我们遇到一些可爱的事物和有趣的人

We come to this world because God wants us to meet some lovely things and interesting people

3、哪怕屋檐和屋梁把生活压得再低 还是会有另外一片天空的希望在等待你的发现

Even if the eaves and roof beams make life lower, there will be another piece of sky waiting for your discovery

4、万物皆有裂痕 那是光照进来的地方

There are cracks in everything. That"s where the light comes in

5、如果什么事情都变得那么简单 那么我们要这么漫长的人生做什么呢

If everything becomes so simple, what are we going to do with such a long life

6、你羡慕的生活都是你没熬过的苦 等苦尽甘来的那一天山河星月都会作为贺礼

The life you envy is the bitterness you haven"t lived through, and the mountains, rivers, stars and moons will be used as congratulatory gifts on the day when all the hardships come to you

7、在那些鲜为人知的角落里 我们饱满 沸腾 黯哑 沉默

In those little-known corners, we are full of boiling and dumb silence

8、你被父母安稳的爱着 你应该鼓起勇气做你想要做的任何事 不留遗憾

You are loved by your parents. You should have the courage to do whatever you want without regret

加油 你要悄悄拔尖 然后惊艳所有人!——晚安 睡个好觉
