
日记大全 > 句子大全

20句深入情感内心的句子 精挑细选(读上去别有一番风味)

句子大全 2022-11-25 03:53:01

有地图吗? 因为我刚刚在你眼里迷路了。

Do you have a map? Because I just got lost in your eyes.


You know, I"ve been standing behind you hoping that one day you"d look back at me

如果有一天,你需要倾诉,拥抱,有人为你擦眼泪。 只要你回头,就会看到我在你后面

If one day, you need to talk, hug, someone to wipe your tears. If you turn around, you"ll see me right behind you

我错把“我爱你”发送了出去。 如果你接受的话就保存,如果你不接受的话,请把这三个字发给我。

I sent "I love you" by mistake. If you accept it, save it. If you don"t, please send these three words to me.


I think I"ve had a crush on you for a long time.


Not all flowers represent love, but roses are done


Although not all trees can survive the drought, the poplars still grow tall


Not all pigs get mail, but you did


No one likes pigs, but I did it


I love you, I will always be behind you to protect you, let me live up to now all the meaning, can tell you


In spite of you and me and the silly world going to pieces around us, I love you.

我想告诉你在我心中你是我的一切。 我不祈祷你会用同样的爱向着我。 我只是有你的安慰和理解

I want you to know that you mean everything to me. I do not pray that you will return the same love to me. I just have your comfort and understanding

在佛陀面前许下一个愿望。 我希望小树站在你每天经过的路边

Make a wish in front of the Buddha. I hope the little tree stands by the side of the road that you pass every day


I am full of love and ideas, hoping that one day you will love me


I know I love freedom and will not be happy, but I want to be by your side, with you, with you to go on.


I like you don"t have to tell you, but I must tell myself.


You are everything to me, and I was so blessed when God sent you here for me.

早上醒来有两个理由。 是闹钟和你。

There are two reasons to wake up in the morning. It"s the alarm clock and you.

如果我们相识的结果是注定要流泪的话,我想一个人享受这残酷的美。 我想永远健康,不后悔和你在一起的日子。

If the result of our acquaintance is doomed to tears, I want a person to enjoy the cruel beauty. I want to be healthy forever and not regret the days with you.


If our love is not enough in this lifetime, the afterlife will be long.

爱月亮,爱纯洁,爱皎洁,爱圆润。 我爱你,爱你真的,爱你爱善,爱你美。

Love the moon, love pure, love bright, love round. I love you, love you really, love you love good, love you beautiful.
