
日记大全 > 句子大全

精致走心的句子 经过长途跋涉(我发现最轻的是时间的记忆)

句子大全 2022-11-25 05:17:01


Panic and hesitation always let me have several times to leave theillusion of sadness. I do not know the end of memory, can I bring outthe dust of sadness and silence? But I know that if you sigh toomuch, it will only be a good time in the end, and if Fang Hua sighs,he will get hurt.


After a lot of sadness, years of scars, and years of downhill,those are too urgent scenery? Even though the mottled light andshadow in the years deceive each other in a deserted posture, thepromise in life is just like keeping time to give the old answer,sometimes when it comes to blindly looking for the way home, forgetthe original pride.


After a long journey, I found that the lightest is the memory oftime, the most hurtful has been desperately adhere to the lover.


Time flies, and the frequency of day and night is surprising.Often, when I was immersed in meditation, in a daze, it from my palebrain through, leaving no traces, took away the best years, but nevertake away engraved in my bones waiting and injury. I feel the pain soclearly, but I can only be silent every night.


Thought drift, lost time, lost self.


Lonely years, do not stop too many people, only some bitter andsweet experience, full of pale memory.


A finger on the string, stirring sad music, even if you have nochoice but to fill your heart, time will not stand still. Cherish thebeauty of meeting, is the most beautiful chapter of your life.


Remember, back then, I wasn"t afraid of anything. Now, I"m afraidof everything. I remember, at that time, I always wanted to have aspectacular years. Right now, I just want to relax. It seems that,all of a sudden, beauty gets old.


In my mind, I was thinking too much, and I couldn"t clear my head.Write down your sadness, maybe, one day, time will unlock the secretsin my heart. Years like a dream, a few years will leave a sigh.
