
日记大全 > 句子大全

旅行时发朋友圈被秒赞的句子 简短可爱(令人着迷)

句子大全 2022-11-26 02:00:02

1. 哪有那么多来日方长,现在就要快快乐乐。

How can there be so many, come to Japan for a long time, now you must be happy.

2. 风景人事在路上,欢喜触动在心底。

Landscape, personnel on the road happy, touched in the bottom of my heart.

3. 有趣的人生,一半是家长里短,一半是三川湖泊。

Interesting life, half is short in the home, half is the mountains and lakes.

4. 岁月是一场有去无回的旅行,好的坏的都是风景。

The years are a journey that has no return, and the good and the bad are the scenery.

5. 即使远方很远,也要探索一下。

Even if it"s far away, explore it.

6. 旅行的理由不需要阐述许多,一个字就可以概括全部:走。

The reasons for travel do not need to be elaborated, and many words can be summed up all the way.

7. 一个人的旅行,在路上遇见最真实的自己。

A person"s travel, meet the truest self on the road.

8. 背着背包在路上,看过许多人,听过许多故事,见过旅行风景,就这样,慢慢学会了长大。

Carrying a backpack, I have seen many people on the road. I heard that I have seen the scenery on the road, so I slowly learned to grow up.

9. 最好的时光在路上,一路向阳。

The best time is on the road, all the way to the sun.

10. 阳光很暖,岁月静好,有你们在,刚刚好。

The sun is very warm, the years are quiet, and it is just right to have you.

11. 你透过车窗看风景,山川湖泊也在看你。

You look at the scenery through the window, and the mountains and lakes are looking at you.

12. 看看蓝天,拥抱大海,享受阳光。

Look at the blue sky, embrace the sea, enjoy the sunshine.
