
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2022-11-26 02:34:01

1、 前行的路不怕万人阻挡,只怕自己投降;人生的帆,不怕狂风巨浪,只怕自己没有胆量。

The road ahead is not afraid of being blocked by thousands of people, but is afraid of surrender; the sails of life are not afraid of strong winds and waves, but afraid that they have no courage.

2、 80后的女人一个比一个累,不是离婚就是单身,不是分床睡就是背靠背。

The women born in the 1980s are more and more tired. They are either divorced or single, sleeping separately or back-to-back.

3、 记住你是女人,努力是你的底气,自信是你的资本,微笑是你的标签,当你熬过所有的苦,自然会遇见所有的甜。

Remember that you are a woman, and your strength is your base. Confidence is your capital. Smile is your label. When you get through all the hardships, you will naturally meet all the sweetness。

4、 成熟,是一个女人的假正经,幼稚,才是她的真性情,她可以成熟面对很多人,唯独把幼稚留给了最爱的人。

Mature, is a woman"s hypocritical, naive, is her true feelings, she can mature to face many people, only naive left to the most loved ones.

5、 如果你的前半生过得一塌糊涂,那么你的后半生一定要重新洗牌,找回最初的自己,靠努力获取想要的东西,不依赖谁,不羡慕谁。

If the first half of your life is in a mess, then you must shuffle the cards in the second half of your life to find your original self. You can get what you want by hard work. You don"t depend on or envy anyone.

6、 看清了很多人却不能随意拆穿,讨厌着很多人却不能轻易翻脸。很多事情到最后并不是真的解决了,而是算了吧。

See a lot of people but can"t tear them apart at will, hate a lot of people but can"t turn over easily. Many things are not really solved in the end, but forget it.

7、 年少不知父母恩,懂时已是中年人,离家方知柴米贵,养儿方知父母心,耕田不妥就一年,结婚不慎,毁一生。

I don"t know my parents" kindness when I"m young. I"m a middle-aged person when I understand it. When I leave home, I"ll know the price of firewood and rice. If I raise my children, I"ll know my parents" heart. If I don"t farm properly, I"ll spend one year. If I get married carelessly, my life will be ruined.

8、 其实最好的婚姻不是你负责挣钱养家,我负责貌美如花,而是我们一起努力,你很好,我也不差,我理解的辛苦,你懂得我的不容易。

In fact, the best marriage is not that you are responsible for making money to support your family, and I am responsible for beautiful flowers. It"s our joint efforts. You are very good, and I"m not bad. It"s hard for me to understand. It"s not easy for you to understand me.

9、 你做错事,我可以放你一马,你欺骗我,也可以放你一马,你伤我的心,我还是可以放你一马,但是你要记住,我是有脾气的,不是放马的。

If you do something wrong, I can let you off. If you cheat me, you can let you go. If you hurt my heart, I can still let you go. But you should remember that I have a temper, not a horse.

10、 人世间最可怕最冷漠的就是把钱看得比情和人重要。

The most terrible and indifferent thing in the world is that money is more important than love and people.
