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我不会离开你 就像爱永不停止(优美句子收藏起来)

句子大全 2022-11-26 07:52:01


Best of all, when I look at you, you"re already staring at me.


I believe we"ll be together forever.


If one day, I can"t continue to breathe, it just means that my world lacks air, or you lack air.


Don"t want to face him and leave, running away is not a good way, but it is the only way.


Not you love me, but I love you, love is not exchange, I do not want to exchange.

最大的幸福不是这些事。 有人相信你,有人和你在一起,有人爱你,有人在等着你。

The greatest happiness is not these things. Someone who believes in you, someone with you, someone who loves you, someone who is waiting for you


You can"t look me in the eye and think I want it.

人依然,梦想依然,夫妻之情依然; 岁月变,青春变,你我夫妻的心不变。

The people are still there, the dreams are still there, the love of husband and wife is still there; Time changes, youth changes, you and my husband and wife"s heart unchanged.


Even if there is no end, I love you.

恋爱就像小偷一样。 一天也睡不安稳,心里怦怦直跳,兴奋又兴奋。 最大的不安因素往往是你自己。

Love is like a thief. I could not sleep well all day. My heart was pounding, excited and excited. The biggest source of insecurity is often yourself.


Love me after learning to take care of you?


I believe we"ll be together forever.

我只要你带我去,就别叫我放了你。 我不能。 我真不敢相信只要你在。

I just want you to take me. Don"t ask me to let you go. I can"t. I can"t believe you"re here.

如果发生了什么事,只能接受。 有些人,失去了就只能放手。 根据道路的不同,选择了就不能后退。

If something happens, you have to accept it. Some people, lost just have to let go. Depending on the road, one cannot retreat if one chooses.


When everything is blown to death by the wind, those special moments are forever.

我不相信永恒的爱。 因为我比一天更爱你。

I don"t believe in eternal love. Because I love you more than every day.

我回头的时候,你已经不在十字路口了。 是我回复得太晚了,还是你走得太快了?

When I turned around, you were no longer at the crossroads. Did I reply too late, or did you go too fast?

最难忘的是你的笑容。 当它绽放在你脸上的时候,春风吹过,温暖融化,似乎融化了我的心。

The most unforgettable thing is your smile. When it blooms in your face, the spring breeze blows, warm and melting, it seems to melt my heart.

该给的都给了。 我会不惜一切。 只是让你知道我的心像刀割一样。

I"ve given you everything I need. I"ll do whatever it takes. Just to let you know my heart is cutting like a knife.

在生活的激流中,我的船永远追随你。 我和你一起旅行,平安地前往目的地。 到达目标后,我会告诉你“我一辈子都不想离开你”。

In the stream of life, my boat will always follow you. I travel with you, safely to the destination. When I get there, I tell you, "I never want to leave you for the rest of my life."
