
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2022-11-27 06:03:01


When no one applauds us, give ourselves a pat on the back. Comfortyourself when no one cries for us. When we are ashamed, give yourselfa little space, a little confidence. Get rid of yesterday"sexhaustion and helplessness, touch yesterday"s pain and tears, tomeet tomorrow"s new sunrise, to the brilliant sunshine. Learn toappreciate yourself and you will become stronger.


You are used to staying up late, you like to stare into space, youhave no motivation to persist, you also find it difficult to be ahappy person, you can"t stand that you, you know you can"t change.Don"t be afraid to try to force yourself. Things change.


There should always be some days to waste. There should always bebad days, so you can stop and be thankful for the bad days, when theyshine in the future.


Life is uncertain. What matters most is not where you are, butwhere you are heading.


You can"t decide the length of life, but you can control itswidth. You can"t control the weather, but you can change your mood.You can"t change your appearance, but you can smile. You can"tcontrol others, but you can control yourself. You can"t predicttomorrow, but you can use today; You can"t do everything right, butyou can do everything.


Confused, looking up at the sky, wild goose after, suddenly a kindof Epiphany welled up in my mind. They keep moving, and the northerngeese eventually return to the south. That is, they stick to theiroriginal commitment, they stick to their original belief, and that"slike a beacon of light. When we were wandering, they couldn"t see howbright and open our future was!


The best life is to live a happy life with a willing attitude.There are always things we don"t understand when we are young. And bythe time you know it, you"re not getting any younger. If you wantthings to change, you must first change yourself. Only by changingyourself can you finally change others.


If you cannot be a road, be a path, said a philosopher. If youcan"t be the sun, be a star.


When you make up your mind to take a road, don"t look around orlinger at the beautiful scenery. You should know your purpose, whatyou are looking for and where, and remind yourself of it from time totime. At the top, sing slowly. In the valley, don"t cry. Wave afterwave, wave after wave, is the other side of life.
