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富含人生感悟的哲理句子 句句实用(发朋友圈让你魅力值倍增)

句子大全 2022-11-28 06:54:02


How much doubt, just because of the idea, how much interpretation, just the only indifference, is a person"s haggard dream, waiting for a lifetime of humility, because of the idea, but also the reluctance of love.

人在世上行走,本来就是空的,为什么处处介意,不一步一步退让呢? 与其说多伤人,恨多伤神,伤人伤神,不如不烦神。

When people walk in the world, they are empty. Why do they mind everywhere and don"t give in step by step? It"s better not to bother God than to hurt people more, hate more, and hurt people more.

岁月,两个字,写起来很简单,听起来很安静。 经历过,但风雨交加,饱经沧桑。 有多少人还留在心中,而不是出于无奈? 另外,有多少人后悔一生?

Years, two words, write very simple, sounds very quiet. Yes, but I"ve experienced ups and downs. How many people are still in their hearts, not out of helplessness? In addition, how many people regret their lives?

梦想是幻想,但却是自己的梦想; 地位虽低,却是自己的工作单位; 房子虽然简陋,但却是自己的房子; 志向虽小,却是自己的追求。

Dreams are illusions, but they are their own dreams; Although his status is low, he is his own work unit; Although the house is simple, it is its own house; Although the ambition is small, it is my own pursuit.


Nostalgia has changed from emotion to business, but many times we miss the past not because the past is better, but because the past is the past.

我能想到最温暖的是,起初沿途风景闪烁,但我却一心一意地走向你; 日本的老男人突然想起,意识到时间是腼腆甜蜜的。

The warmest thing I can think of is that at first the scenery along the way flickered, but I went to you wholeheartedly; The old man in Japan suddenly remembered that time was shy and sweet.
