
日记大全 > 句子大全

柔情似水的忧伤的句子 满是委屈(句句触心)

句子大全 2022-11-30 02:51:01

Why there are so many troubles and unhappiness in people"s life, even I can"t tell why, really, sometimes I feel that people are tired and confused when living in this world.


Everyone will lie many times in his life. I think the most false thing I said is that I don"t love you anymore.


I have no regrets in my life. I believe everything that happens has meaning. The hard times you have experienced have shaped your personality and made you stronger.


When they are alone, they whisper to loneliness in their hearts and sprout quietly. Every time I think about it, tears will keep falling. You give me happiness, and you also give me such deep pain, so that I can bear all my life and spend all my life forgetting it. How cruel.


Years are like a river, the left bank is an unforgettable memory, the right bank is a youth worth grasping, and the middle is a faint sadness of youth. There are many beautiful things in the world, but not many of them really belong to themselves. look


Live a happy life with a casual attitude.


I don"t like to be sad, and I"m not easy to be sad, because there are always reasons to be sad, and my room is filled with uninvited people. If I get sad one by one, maybe tomorrow will be my death day.


Don"t hate the person who left you, what you have to do is to make him regret leaving you.


Seven years passed by, and the white clouds and pale dogs played with the sea and floated, but suddenly disappeared. Winding road, rolling dust and sea, like a dream, can"t forget the paleness of passing years. Write these words and pay homage to those things in that time.


The most uncomfortable missing is not that the other party doesn"t know your missing, but that it doesn"t matter if he knows it.

