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2020朋友圈伤感的句子 我们都还年轻(爱情不能代表什么)

句子大全 2022-11-30 06:52:01


Because love is very solemn and long lasting, maybe the girl wants to spend a little more time to confirm whether the boy really likes him, some girls are very slow in love, and hope that she will grow up for the rest of her life after talking to her. Hasty start. Everyone treats feelings differently and loves someone differently. Don"t refer too much to other people"s love.


It"s actually quite struggling to wait. When you want to give up, you are afraid that there will be no future after giving up; when you continue to persist, you are not sure whether there will be a future. There are always people who say that the effort is not worth it, but whether it is love or not. In fact, I agree. But there are three to five years at every turn, a youth, a person can have a few three to five years, a few youths. For someone who doesn"t know if it will come, wait just because of the long-awaited love!


We didn"t get along for a long time, but it was really happy in memory, but the happiness finally came to separation. Forgive you for indulging you. In exchange, it is indeed your sentence, let"s divide! I shouldn"t have known each other a long time ago, and I can"t forget it is really hard!

4、失恋的阴霾真的不是那么容易走出的,兜兜转转我抬头一看,它还在我的头顶上呢。我无法想象,曾经那样一个人,转身就牵起了别人的手了 。我反反复复的去看那个女生的信息,她对他的称呼是我从未叫过的亲昵 。我总爱连名带姓地称呼他,我觉得这是最亲近的体现,真的很可惜,他不需要我了。

The haze of broken love is really not so easy to get out. I looked up and saw that it was still on top of my head. I can"t imagine that a person like that once turned around and took someone else"s hand. I went to see the girl"s information time and time again, and she called him an intimacy I had never called before. I always like to call him by first name and last name. I think this is the closest expression to him. It"s really a pity that he doesn"t need me anymore.

5、我们都还年轻,爱情不能代表什么,爱情只是个调剂,不能当作必需品 。未来的日子里能拥有就是幸运,但是不能拥有也不是不幸,能有个相伴到老的人就可以了,慢慢往前走吧,总会相遇的。

We are still young, love can"t represent anything, love is just an adjustment, not a necessity. In the days to come, it is lucky to have it, but it is not unfortunate to not have it. It is enough to have someone who accompanies you to your old age. Go forward slowly, and you will always meet.


My heart moved at the first sight of him, and it took a long time to be together. In fact, for so many years, we have very little time to truly fall in love together. But there are many things that can"t be forgotten. After the breakup, he never fell in love again. I tried once and couldn"t get in. I didn"t try to get back together. He didn"t agree. I also know that it is impossible for us, but what should we do? I just can"t let myself go.

7、只是有点遗憾,曾那么相爱的两个人。最后你先放弃了我,我也慢慢的放弃了你。我不得已的,如果他没有选择无缝连接,我想我真的不会放弃吧。我要好好爱自己了,我有很多的事要去做有很多路要走,真的好遗憾。可是我不后悔,可是姐妹你知道吗我真的好喜欢他, 到现在说起来他心口还是一紧。

It"s just a little regretful that the two people who had loved each other so much. In the end you gave up on me first, and I gave up on you slowly. I have no choice, if he did not choose to seamlessly connect, I think I really will not give up. I want to love myself, I have a lot of things to do and there are a lot of ways to go, I"m really sorry. But I don"t regret it, but sister, do you know that I really like him so much, he still has a tight heart even now.


Some time ago, I even dreamed of him the night before. But we in the dream are finally as indifferent as in reality. I finally don"t have to worry about being in a trance after waking up from a dream, and I can"t distinguish between dreams and reality. Now the frequency of dreaming of him is getting less and less, and we will never meet in reality, nor in dreams.


After being separated due to family reasons, I finally got together again, but it didn"t feel the same as before. I wanted to be separated, but the days we were together again surrounded me tightly. How could it be possible to turn around and walk smartly. I really want to be with her. It would be great if I don"t have to worry about too much when I live.


If you don"t try it, how can you know there is no chance? Try, let yourself give up again. Secret love is the most regrettable, I gave up before trying it. But ah, who doesn"t have a crush in school days? At that time, I wrote her in the diary, but now, the diary is also lost. In short, more than ten years have passed.
