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让人伤心到哭的伤感句子 满满都是心碎(看完想哭)

句子大全 2022-11-30 07:09:01


regretfully! The past cannot be changed! But I still feel sad when I think about it! But I still can"t change, but I still tortured myself repeatedly, telling others, don"t care about the past, the past can"t change, think about what to do in the future, but I don"t even believe it! I don"t believe it in my heart, but hypocritically comforts others. It would be great if I could forget it, and time could really erase everything.

2、你说一个不念旧的人怎么会触景生情呢? 一个没心没肺的人怎么会恨呢,那么恨!恨到疯掉!就算三年过去了,我还是恨!做什么都会想起来,只要看到熟悉的地方,想起那些过往就会不由自主的流泪。 凭什么我要逼着自己不在乎过去,只看着未来,凭什么安慰别人的人一直是我…… 我也很害怕,很茫然

How can you say that a person who doesn"t miss the old age can be touched by the scene? How could a heartless person hate, so hate! I hate it crazy! Even if three years have passed, I still hate it! I think of everything I do. As long as I see familiar places and think of the past, I will cry involuntarily. Why should I force myself not to care about the past and just look at the future, why is the person who comforts others always being me... I am also scared and at a loss

3、谢谢你来过,也感谢不联络三年共处,三年遗忘。关于你的六年,正好分成两段,一段美好,一段失意。其实这些都和你无关,只是恰逢其会罢了, 顺序在我们的时间里是如此重要 一切都要刚刚好。

Thank you for coming, and thank you for not contacting for three years together, three years forgotten. About your six years, it happened to be divided into two parts, one is good, and the other is disappointed. In fact, none of this has anything to do with you. It just happens to happen. Order is so important in our time. Everything should be just right.


Why don’t you let me have a girlfriend, ask me if I like you, why don’t you ask yourself where the problem is, how do I answer this question, and what can I do if I like it? I am sorry for your girlfriend, no How about you like it, always kidnap me in the name of a friend, this time I don"t want to talk to you anymore, can you let me go?

5、我好像被别人代替了。我一直在提醒自己她空出来的位置也被人代替了 ,可只有我自己心里清楚哪个位置别人代替不了。我一直都在自己骗自己,备忘录里有我每次对你失望的事,你毫不犹豫地从我的生活里走了 ,好像从来没出现过一样。你有没有想过我们的曾经,谁也没能想到我们会走到这一步,对不起谢谢你。

I seem to be replaced by someone else. I keep reminding myself that the position she vacated has been replaced by others, but only I know that position cannot be replaced by others. I have always lied to myself. There are things in the memo that I am disappointed with you every time. You walked away from my life without hesitation, as if you had never appeared before. Have you ever thought about our past, no one could have imagined that we would come to this point, sorry and thank you.


Classmates for twelve years, secretly like eight years, unfortunately we can not go from school uniforms to wedding dresses! Having been with you for so many years as a friend, I can"t hold on anymore. I want to leave you for a living! It’s a pity that our story ends with friends. It’s a pity...


You will eventually meet the person you want to meet. Don"t give up your hope for the future. There is such a line in the movie"s heartbeat, some people are shallow, some people are golden and ruined. One day, you will meet a rainbow-like person, and when you meet this person, you will feel that everyone else is just floating clouds.


You used to like to call me big baby, now you like to call me kid. Whether I am idealistic or I am a kid, I have been dreaming about the future of firm mutual choice. Maybe it"s not yet time, maybe we are destined to miss it. In order to prevent my roommates from being crying at night, I did what I felt was right during the day. Both of us are at rest. Should I let myself go?

9、见了面后 你就走了,你什么也没说,头也不回地走了,我不知道这段感情是否还能继续,你先来的 别先走好不好?一开始追我的是你,说爱我的也是你,说要给我幸福的人是你,到最后冷落我的人也是你,离开的人也是你,这一切到底是不是都刚刚好了,到最后我却只能看着你的背影离去……

After meeting you, you left. You didn"t say anything, and you left without looking back. I don"t know if this relationship can continue. You come first, don"t go first, OK? In the beginning it was you who chased me, and it was you who said that you loved me, it was you who said that you wanted to give me happiness, and it was you who left me in the cold, and it was you who left me. Is it all right? In the end, I can only watch your back leave...


I once bought him cakes in a cake shop and gave him hamburgers in winter. I like it crazily. Waiting for him on a snowy day, until my legs are numb, I am cautious, not even dare to be jealous of the good girls playing around him, I Try hard to be friends with his friends...I obviously don’t like to deal with boys...Why, you couldn’t like me in the first place...I can’t do anything, I haven’t been in a relationship... and I don’t expect to be so. .
