
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2022-12-01 07:38:01


Winter is approaching, autumn is coming to an end, soon after Christmas, fireworks, new year, these good things will come, you do not come, I will also have a good festival.


Look at the weather ahead of time, when the wind and rain comes, you will not be caught by surprise.


I can"t believe it. It"s time to wear long sleeves again. You can see how fast the time goes, but I still have nothing to gain. At the beginning of the epidemic, the leaves have not yet sprouted, and now the leaves have begun to wither.

4.如果喜欢为什么不说出来 如果不爱为什么还要勾勾搭搭 世界上的所有事情都可以模模糊糊 只有感情必须清清楚楚。

If you like, why don"t you say it? If you don"t love, why do you hook up? Everything in the world can be vague, only feelings must be clear.

5.就像一座老房子 窗户关久了 太阳照进来 不是温暖 是刺眼。

It"s like an old house with windows closed for a long time. The sun is not warm but dazzling.


In rainy weather, people"s mood will always be different, especially the feeling of rain in the morning. Some people like the quiet sound of the tick outside, while others hate to block the progress.

7.“我从阴暗里走出来 拼了命地想给你光芒 我心疼你每一个瞬间的不快乐 你却不停地消磨我对你的爱”。

"I came out of the dark and tried to give you light. I feel sorry for your unhappy moment, but you keep killing my love for you."

8.这个秋天的网络真慢 连你的信息都收不到。

The Internet is so slow this autumn that you can"t even receive your information.


There are many farewell ceremonies in the world, such as a glass of wine in the flow of light and shadow, a letter full of love, and tears falling from the station entrance. But a lot of farewell is silent, until many years later, after knowing later, that day"s peaceful parting is forever. From then on, the mountain is high and the road is far away, the song is hard to send, and there is no meeting again.

