
日记大全 > 句子大全


句子大全 2022-12-02 03:42:01


Let"s not envy other people"s happiness. What you think you don"thave may be on the way. What you think someone else has may be on theway... Some people are nice to you because you"re nice to them. Somepeople are good to you because they know you are good!


Forget what you once had; Treasure what you"ve got; Don"t give upwhat is yours; What is lost remains in memory. Tired, put your hearton the shore; Do not regret the choice; Only when you suffer can youknow how to satisfy your pain and enjoy your life.


Only when you are hurt do you realize your strength. There arealways windy mornings, beautiful nights and shooting stars. It"sgoing to be a good day yesterday, today and tomorrow...


If they had appeared earlier, they might not have been gripped bythe other"s fingers. Or meet a little later, and the two learntolerance and understanding, kindness and compromise over the courseof the relationship. Maybe when they get together, they won"tpetulantly give up and turn around and let love go. Neither too earlynor too late is a rare fate.


There is no eternal love in life, no ending of the relationshipwill always end; People who can not get always forget. There is noeternal pain in life. No matter how deep the pain, the wound willheal. There are no obstacles in life.


You can"t sit by it and wait for it to go away. You just have tofind a way to get through it. Life will not give up easily, as longas you insist, you can complete the elegant turn around, createeternal glory!


There are three things in life that cannot be kept: life, time andlove. You want to stay, but you"re drifting away. The most painfulthing in life is not that you don"t get the one you love, but the oneyou love is never happy.


If I were gray and old, would you still hold my hand tenderly?


I felt there was no place in the world; Look at all the reds andpurples.
