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让人忍不住怀念的小短句 心动又温暖(似艳阳般暖心)

句子大全 2022-12-02 06:38:01


Maybe love is just because of loneliness, and you need to find someone to love, even if there is no ending.


Life is too short, don"t regret it, don"t be disappointed if you are happy or unhappy. Living well is wonderful, and not living well is experience. Life is not long, so long as you try your best and use your feelings well, you don"t have to regret it, let alone regret it. In one"s life, no one is proud of everything, and the scenery is everywhere. Tell yourself to be calm, look on the bright side, keep a normal state of mind in the process of life, be calm and simple, and you will be happy.


Looking for, freeze at that moment, don"t want to be disappointed. Consciousness flies with time, and thousands of days are coming. Confusion is also helpless and unwilling. At this moment, consciousness disappeared, leaving no trace, with reluctance, with reluctance, with a lifetime of memory, drifting towards nothingness that no longer exists.


All the sufferings or joys, disappointments or sorrows, when they become memories, have the hazy beauty of seeing flowers in the fog. Time, pain or joy, disappointment or sadness have become feelings worthy of appreciation and aftertaste. Happiness is the product of pure nature, which means that you support yourself 100%.


Looking at the evening sunset and smelling the fragrance of Sophora japonica, I let the gentle wind kiss my pale face. Unconsciously, I slipped a few ripples, trembled slightly in the wind, dyed the faded shadow red, and left the yellow memory together.


You said that if you keep saying his name in your heart, he can feel it.


I"m most afraid to know that people in this world are always waiting, but only disappointment and helplessness can save them.


Love is a promise made by a madman carelessly, and a fool keeps it all his life.


Yesterday"s sadness, I have forgotten. What you can forget is no longer important.


You can"t say I"ve changed. Do you know a word called thank you?


"I feel very angry" "I am a little disappointed".


Wind doesn"t know the drift of clouds, lonely days don"t know the rain, cowardly tears, so you don"t know my choice, or my sadness. Not everyone has to be happy, and not every pain has to be told.
